Friday 2 August 2013

The Dream Mobile..

I've never really owned my own car before. Eight years ago my parents gave us their old car as a wedding gift but because I was young and cheap, I didn't want to pay the money to transfer it over into my name, so I've never really officially owned one.. but that's all about to change! Well.. sort of..

As you can see, the traffic around here is straight up chaos and it takes a while to really understand how it works. A few tips I've picked up are that nobody has ever shoulder checked in their life, side/revision mirrors are completely irrelevant and it doesn't matter who has right of way (from a Western's perspective) the largest vehicle with the most obnoxious driver has right of way at all times. Thus transporting my family of 4 on a motorbike (including my 4 month old Son) with no safety gear weighs on me a bit. I do it - and I feel confidence to do it - but I don't ever truly feel 100% great about it. However, with the intense congestion and completely under planned roads the thought of getting a car in this city would simply drive me mad.

So here enters Bessie..

Winnie has been talking about it for a while now and I've finally caught up to her in thinking that we should look into getting our own Auto Rickshaw. I took this one for a test drive the other day and am now completely hooked! Sadly this one was a bit too old and a bit too expensive (it would have cost a third of the purchase price just to transfer the registration from a public to private) so now we're crunching some numbers to see if we can come up with the money and are continuing the search for the perfect set of wheels! 

And the perfect paint job! 

Below is Winnie's vision (apparently she didn't buy into my idea of black with flames streaked down the side).

Soon all that will be left is to take up chewing Paan to master the truly authentic experience.


  1. Hey brother-man, Looking forward to hearing more about your crazy times. Much Love.

  2. Well, that sounds like fun! (I too have a blog which no-one reads, and it's been a long time! :p )

  3. Josh, I am in awe of your willingness to attempt to drive through that chaos! I have seen Nay's pins on auto rickshaw decorations and wondered if it was in the pipeline! Can't wait to see what you crazy kids find!

  4. Wow I can only imagine how wild itmust be to have your FAM on a single bike. A scooter I assume? Forgive my zero men factor but u guys with a teamo or just solo hop hop???? Keep us posted broseth
